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Killingworth Community Fund Awards Two College Scholarships

Submitted by Kathleen Amoia

(July 18, 2024) — The Killingworth Community Fund at the Community Foundation of Middlesex County is pleased to announce the awarding of the Marjorie Kirk Ullrich Scholarship for Excellence in the Fine Arts to Nicolette Hines, and the newly established Laura Englebright Scholarship for Community and Civic Service to Luke Dooley. Both are June 2024 graduates of Haddam Killingworth High School.

Marjorie Kirk Ullrich Scholarship recipient Nikki Hines will attend the University of Saint Joseph in West Hartford to begin her studies in psychology, followed by medical school and a degree in neuropsychology. That she comes to this field through art is an inspiring story.

“Art has been essential in my life and a successful way to reduce anxiety levels during several family health crises.”   During her father’s illness, Nikki found that making jewelry helped get her mind off the things she could not control. She finds painting another anxiety reducer and an interest that has brought her closer to her artistic grandmother.

Love of music and The Rolling Stones gave Nikki an understanding of her parents’ younger years and an appreciation they happily share. “Art has been there for me in every facet of my life … it is truly one of the most important components that make me who I am.” Nikki intends to use her artistic interests to positive effect in her chosen field.

During high school, Nikki participated on the HKHS Softball Team, in the Film Society, and the Environmental Club. She also worked on the school yearbook. She is grateful for the faculty at HKHS and explained, “The teachers always cared a lot about us, and you could tell they were passionate about our success.” She gives a special shout-out to Mrs. Tracey Ritter, her history teacher and adviser. “Mrs. Ritter helped push me along a steady path through high school. She is the sweetest person ever.”

Over the summer, Nikki is working at a physical therapy office in Westbrook and looking forward to the next chapter in her life. Of her parents, Dave and Lisa, she says, “They are the strongest people I know. I am thankful to be their daughter.”

The Laura Englebright Scholarship Award was established this year through a bequest from the Laura Englebright estate. Its main criteria are active service to the community and commitment to civic engagement within that community. These criteria are perfectly suited to the lived experience of Luke Dooley.

Luke will be attending the University of New Haven for a degree in Fire Protection Engineering. He was a Junior Firefighter with the Killingworth Volunteer Fire Company (KVFC) at age 15 and is now a probationary member of KVFC. He also qualified as an Emergency Medical Responder over a year ago and is now working toward his Firefighter 1 certification. This certification will qualify Luke to live in a Trumbull Firehouse with four other students as part of his course study. “With Certification 1, I can fight fires and hopefully save many lives” Luke explained. “To me, being a good citizen means being able to help people when they need it.”

At HKHS, Luke was on the football team and served as Captain in his senior year. He was the school mascot in his junior and senior year during the winter games. As Senior Class Leader, he helped plan and organize the senior prom and senior outing. Luke gives a special thank-you to HKHS teachers Jon Todzia, Sarah Landers, and Sean Gallagher who were supportive of his career plans and the steps involved in reaching his goals.

Luke is grateful to the Killingworth Volunteer Fire Company for their support and guidance over the past two years. He credits his parents with encouraging his career choice and the related training and certifications he achieved at a young age. Luke’s summer plans involve working at the HK Dairy Barn and getting that all important Firefighter 1 training and certification.

The Killingworth Community Fund at the Community Foundation of Middlesex County wishes Nicolette and Luke much success throughout their college years and in their chosen careers. Both of these remarkable young adults acknowledge that it does take a village to raise a child. That sentiment is reflected in the motto of both the KCF and the Community Foundation of Middlesex County, “Helping Good People Do Great Things.”

Photos provided by Killingworth Community Fund

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