Editorial Policy

Editorial Policy 

1) Anything political or controversial shall be reviewed by members of at least two different political parties before it is posted.
2) We will not take sides in a story — unless it’s an Opinion (editorial/letter to editor) piece. Even in that event, we will strive to put forth a “point-counter point” piece where possible. In particular, we shall not endorse candidates in elections or issues in referenda.
3) We will attempt to get both (or more, as appropriate) sides of anything potentially controversial.
4) We will avoid “he said, she said” items
5) Letters to the Editor which are printed must not exceed 250 words. Letters to the Editor which are published online must not exceed 750 words. LTEs that are in print can refer to a longer letter online; so for instance if you did a synopsis of a letter for print, then you could say at the end, “for more details, please see the full letter on HK-Now.com.”
6) Letters that are submitted are subject to the Terms of Use: You cannot submit any materials that are unlawful, threatening, defamatory, harassing, abusive, disruptive, offensive, profane, or plagiarized, or are false or misleading as statements of fact or origin, or violate the rights of any third party in any manner.
7) Op-eds which are printed must not exceed 500 words. Op-eds which are published online must not exceed 1500 words.
8) We shall not use quotes without attribution.
9) We will always be as accurate and objective as possible.
10) Comments from viewers will be allowed; they can be posted on social media sites without review or published on HK-Now.com only if the writer identifies him/herself (no aliases) AND the item is reviewed by the editorial staff to maintain a standard of decorum.
11) We cannot print all of the material submitted to us and our selection is not a reflection on the content or quality of the material that we receive.
12) To be eligible for print, any submissions need to be submitted by noon on Wednesday the week before the following Thursday’s print edition (i.e., 8 days before publication).