Submitted by Becky Rice, Director of Haddam Senior and Social Services
(August 15, 2024) — The following is a summary of programs and services offered by Haddam Senior and Social Services during the month of July, 2024. Please note Social Services report includes totals for the Municipal Agent.
Senior and Social Services
Haddam Emergency Food Bank serviced 105 individuals among whom were 48 Seniors, 35 adults and 22 children. In addition to food, Haddam Emergency Food Bank serviced one family with gift cards to local restaurants and/or grocery stores in town.
Haddam Emergency Fuel Bank serviced no families with fuel assistance in July 2024.
Haddam Social Services serviced four individuals with paperwork assistance.
Haddam Social Services/Clothing Bank serviced 232 people with clothing.
Haddam Social Services did no wellness checks during July 2024.
Senior Van
The Senior Van serviced a total of 114 trips in July, with 49 medical appointments, 15 to/from the Senior Center, and 38 for the weekly shopping trip during July 2024.
Haddam Senior Center
Open 17 days during the month of July.
The Haddam Senior Center distributed 141 Futures Inc. Meals for the month of July 2024 and had 280 attendees at the Senior Center.
12 seniors attended the Pizza and a Movie- Evening Edition
13 seniors attended the AARP Driving Program
7 seniors attended the Blood Pressure Testing with Sherry Carlson
No seniors attended the Cooling Center on July 10, 2024
There were six days in July with twenty or more attendees
Friday attendance has doubled since the Senior Center started opening on Fridays.
The Senior Center also started a weekly Mini Farmers Market featuring Bogue Farms. Eligible seniors have also been able to take advantage of the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Programs (SFMNP) cards to purchase fresh produce from Bogue.