Monday, September 16, 2024
HomeFeaturesEducationCandidates Sought for Haddam Vacancy on RSD 17 Board of Education

Candidates Sought for Haddam Vacancy on RSD 17 Board of Education

Submitted by Town of Haddam

(August 29, 2024) — The Regional School District 17 Board of Education has an open seat available for a Haddam resident. The vacancy resulted from the resignation of Haddam member Prem Aithal from the Board.

We will hold a Town Meeting on September 19, 2024 to vote on a candidate.

Any interested residents can contact the First Selectman’s office for more information, by email at or by calling (860) 345-8531 Ext. 204.

** Please Note ** Any unaffiliated resident may seek office for the RSD 17 Board of Education.

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