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HomeNewsHaddam Town GovernmentA Last-Minute Update on HES Referendum

A Last-Minute Update on HES Referendum

By Bob McGarry, Haddam First Selectman

(July 11, 2024) — With the referendum coming up on July 23, 2024 I want to ensure you have the latest update on the proposal for the former Haddam Elementary School.

The proposal has changed from the sale of HES to a 99-year lease with the option to renew the lease (not to buy HES). Rak Realty will be leasing the 1953 and 1989 additions to HES and an area for a new parking lot. We retain ownership of the entire building and grounds. This change was in response to feedback we received from you in the information sessions.

The financial terms remain the same:

  • Rak Realty pays a lease buy-in fee of $350,000.
  • Rak pays property tax estimated at $100,000 annually.
  • Rak pays all maintenance, insurance and utilities for the leased area (building and parking lot). This includes reroofing.
  • Rak receives the $4.55 million grant from the state for the project. Remember, we get this grant only if we have a developer.
  • Rak pays to renovate/remodel the portion of HES they are leasing for thirty-six affordable senior apartments.
  • Rak pays to renovate/remodel the Community Wing (the original HES building) to our specifications for our use as office space, a Senior Center, and Community Center. Estimates for the work range from $4.2 million to $9 million. The town pays Rak $140,000 per year for 10 years ($1.4 million total) for this.
  • We pay maintenance and utilities for the Community Wing, estimated at $50,000 per year. We also pay for maintaining the grounds and recreational facilities.

(There’s a wealth of information on HES on our website,, including documents, presentations, articles and recordings of all the information sessions.)

This proposal turns HES back into the community asset it was for years. The proposal is responsive to the feedback you’ve given us over the past five years on what you’d like to have at HES. If we want to revitalize Higganum Center, we need to draw people to it. This proposal is a very impactful step in that direction.

Please come out and vote on July 23, 2024 at your normal voting location. Absentee ballots are available from the Haddam Town Clerk’s office.

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