Monday, September 16, 2024
HomeOrganizationsYouth OrganizationsA Busy Summer for Scout Troop 18

A Busy Summer for Scout Troop 18

Submitted by Eric Bergman, Troop 18 Leader

(August 11, 2024) — The scouts from Troop 18 had a busy summer of 2024. In June, the scouts traveled to Charlemont, Massachusetts for a raft and zip adventure at Zoar Outdoors.

The scouts got to white-water raft on the Deerfield River in Class 2 and 3 rapids. The following day, after camping out at the Zoar campground, the scouts zipped down a mountain on the Zoar zip line course.

In July, the Troop spent a week at Camp Sequassen in New Hartford. The scouts took courses in life saving, woodworking, personal fitness, animation, nuclear science, paddle boarding, snorkeling and more. The scouts also competed in many camp-wide competitions against other troops from across the state.

Parents of any child aged eleven or older interested in joining the troop are encouraged to reach out to the Troop leader, Eric Bergman at

Photos by Eric Bergman

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