Submitted by Allison Behnke, HKYFS
(February 15, 2025) — At Haddam-Killingworth Youth and Family Services, we envision a connected community where youth and families are resilient and feel safe, supported and empowered. We are thrilled to announce three upcoming opportunities for parents, caregivers, and their children to learn, grow and support each other. These are all fun and engaging ways for parents and their children to unplug and spend quality time together.
“The key to raising resilient and strong children is early conversations and connection. When we promote open communication, foster healthy relationships, and establish clear family rules, we create a foundation that helps young people feel empowered to make positive choices and navigate life’s challenges with confidence,” said Kyana Anderson, HKYFS Prevention Coordinator.
Food and Mood: A Family Cooking Workshop/March 5, 2025 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Have you ever wondered if what your child is eating is impacting their mood and mental health? Would learning with your child help stop the arguing and inspire positive food choices?
Nutrition plays an important role in healthy child development and positive mental health. This kid-friendly night out will feature a hands-on cooking class led by Jennifer Parkinson, Chef and Owner at Cafe Laurel in Killingworth, and Karen Therrien, Certified Health Coach and Owner HK Health and Fitness. This dynamic duo will lead you through the fun of preparing your healthy (and kid-friendly!) meal while also engaging with your family about the ins and outs of making choices to feel good. Perhaps hearing about healthier choices from another adult and learning new information together over a shared meal will inspire positive change and shared family goals.
This program will take place in the Foods Room at Haddam-Killingworth Middle School, and is suitable for elementary- through middle school-aged children.
Girls Talk: A Two-Part Evening Out for Girls and their Caregivers/March 18, 2025 and March 25, 2025 at 6:00 p.m.
Girls Talk will provide two fun nights out for girls in Grades 4 to 7 to spend with their moms or female caregivers to connect with others in sisterhood. This highly interactive series will give everyone an opportunity to explore the various aspects of whole wellness, as well as fostering healthy relationships through conversation and creative art-based activity. This program will be co-facilitated by a dynamic registered nurse, and by Faith Sprigg, HKYFS Positive Youth Development Coordinator.
Pro Tip: If you love playing with glue sticks, cutting paper, and making something marvelously meaningful, this is the program for you! If the puberty, changing relationships and development talk makes you a bit nervous, this program is for you!
This program will take place at the Old Middle School Gym (Central Office). Dinner, very cool take-aways and gift bags will be provided
Connection Quest: Ropes Course Adventure for Boys and their Caregivers/April 27, 2025, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
We invite boys in Grades 4 to 6 and their dads or male caregivers on a full day of adventure designed to enhance communication and connection. You will work together to navigate an exciting day of low to high ropes challenges on the beautiful Deer Lake Outdoor Center Campus. Participants can expect to:
- Embrace low to high rope challenges as a team.
- Work hard, laugh hard, and play harder!
- Experience the importance of working together to fail, learn, grow and communicate through it all.
- Lunch and guided discussion provided with a trained facilitator skilled in social emotional teachings in the health and development of young men.
Make memories of a lifetime and build on communication skills to help support your child in the following years.
This program will take place at the Deer Lake Outdoor Center, 101 Papermill Road in Killingworth.
Registration is first come, first serve for all of these programs. Please sign up at or email with any questions. Scholarships are available, if needed.