Friday, July 26, 2024
HomeOpinionLetters To The EditorLetter to the Editor: Return Bob Siegrist to Hartford

Letter to the Editor: Return Bob Siegrist to Hartford

The views stated here are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the editors of this newspaper.

To The Editor:

This November 3rd we have an opportunity to elect an individual who has represented us with distinction, has worked incredibly hard on our behalf in the General Assembly and never missed a vote.

Former State Representative Bob Siegrist has always fought for us in Haddam and the entire 36th House District – advocating for issues that matter to us – local control, our environment, and keeping our small town identity.

Bob was critical in securing funding for water infrastructure improvements for the Tylerville section of Haddam ensuring safe, clean water for residents. He was also recognized for his role in securing upgrades to the 911 Valley Shore Emergency Communication System.

Bob is certainly one who sees the public trust as a great one and considers it an honor to serve in office.

Please join me in supporting a gentleman who will put people before politics – let’s return Bob Siegrist to Hartford on November 3rd as our State Representative.


Matt Pytlik
Haddam Neck

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