Friday, September 20, 2024
HomeOpinionLetters To The EditorLetter to the Editor: In Support of Russell for State Representative

Letter to the Editor: In Support of Russell for State Representative

The views stated here are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the editors of this newspaper. We welcome supporting or opposing views on any published item. Received September 20, 2024.

Kathryn Russell is an experienced, practical leader who understands the issues we all face, especially young women carving out their educational and professional paths. Katie was strongly influenced by her Mom and her Mom’s two sisters, who shaped her view of the challenges and advantages she would face as a professional woman, and also shaped her views on the importance of civic engagement.

Believing in the power of education for all women, and wanting to help women whose education was interrupted for financial reasons, Katie funded a scholarship in her mother’s memory at Wayne State University, where her mom had attended a year of night classes. Located in the heart of Detroit, the University offers Library Studies, which was her mother’s dream before economic reality forced her to abandon her college studies. The scholarship is awarded to women whose education has been interrupted by economic hardship. Katie has funded this scholarship for 25 years, helping scores of women continue their education, positioning them for career and economic success.

Katie embodies the strength and determination we hope for our children, especially our daughters.  She is an educated, successful, professional business woman, owns her own home, is a taxpayer, community leader and volunteer, and I could go on. As a business executive and as an Adjunct Professor at UConn, she mentored numerous young adults in the early and mid-stages of their careers.  Thank you for being a great female role model and putting your money where your heart is.

Vote Kathryn Russell for State Representative starting on Monday, October 21, 2024.

Carolyn Kane, Chester

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