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HomeNewsKillingworth Town GovernmentKillingworth Copes: Nov. 7, 2020 — Killingworth Moves to Yellow

Killingworth Copes: Nov. 7, 2020 — Killingworth Moves to Yellow

By Cathy Iino, First Selectman, Killingworth.

Hello, Killingworth–
I am sorry to report that, over the last two weeks, the average daily rate of new cases in Killingworth has been the equivalent of 9 cases per 100,000 population. This puts us in the yellow level in the state’s town-level response framework. Our cumulative total of cases has risen to 36; currently, there are about 10 active cases in town.
The yellow level is a warning to adhere to the precautions that have been recommended all along: wear a mask, keep at least 6 feet apart from others not in your household, wash your hands often. People at higher risk—those with impaired immune systems or over 65 years old—should be extra careful and avoid leaving home as much as possible. But younger people should not let down their guard: the risk of serious illness is lower but real, and the risk of spreading the disease throughout the community is high.
Thank you to the Killingworthies with COVID for cooperating with our health department on contact tracing and observing the quarantine restrictions that are protecting our community. If you would like help with shopping or other errands, please contact my office (860-663-1765, ext. 501).
Help for small businesses. The state has created a $50 million grant program to help small businesses in Connecticut recover from the ongoing challenges of COVID-19. Eligible businesses and nonprofits can receive a one-time $5,000 grant. All funds will be disbursed to approved applicants by December 30, 2020. The online application is expected to be available in the coming week.
The grant program is open to businesses with fewer than 20 employees. Home-based businesses and sole proprietorships are eligible. Grants may be used for payroll, rent or mortgage, utilities, inventory, purchase of machinery or equipment, or costs of complying with CT Reopen business sector rules.
For detailed information on eligibility, requirements, and assistance in applying, go to the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development website.
Help for renters. The state has relaunched the Temporary Rental Housing Assistance Program for Connecticut residents affected by COVID-19. If you suffered job loss, furlough, or layoff; have reduced hours of work or pay; or need to miss work to care for a homebound, school-age child or elderly person, you may be eligible for assistance. Go to to submit threshold eligibility information. Or call 1-860-785-3111 and speak to a call center representative, Monday through Friday, between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm. The representative will log on, walk you through the questionnaire, and submit it live while you are on the phone. Landlords may submit on behalf of their tenants.
Help for mortgage holders. The state also has a Temporary Mortgage Assistance Program for homeowners affected by the COVID pandemic. The eligibility questionnaire is on line here.
Enjoy the weather and stay safe!



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