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HomeNewsHaddam Town GovernmentHaddam Town Meetings   May 24 – May 28, 2021

Haddam Town Meetings   May 24 – May 28, 2021

Haddam Town Meetings   May 24 – May 28, 2021

Please visit, for the most current information, including cancellations, location changes, time changes.

For links to the Virtual Town meetings (remote access only) contact:

Town of Haddam  860 345-8531  

Wednesday, May 26 – 

Haddam Annual Town Meeting – Vote on Budget  The Town Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 26, 2021 at 7:00 pm IN PERSON at the Firehouse located at 439 Saybrook Road, Higganum 06441.

The Annual Budget Town Meeting will be held at the Haddam Fire Station #1, 439 Saybrook Road, Higganum CT on Wednesday, May 26, 2021 at 7:00 pm for the following purpose:

  1. To elect a Moderator
  1. To vote on the Capital Improvement budget as detailed by each project totaling $1,021,991 (project authorization)
  1. To vote on the annual budget recommended by the Board of Finance for the fiscal year July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022.
  1. To do any and all things legal and necessary to accomplish the above-named purpose and take any other action that may legally and properly come before the meeting.

A complete detailed copy of the 2021-2022 budget on file at the Town Office Building, 30 Field Park Drive, Haddam CT 06438 and online at

Stay up to date on the Budget – Sign up for alerts Select “Town News & Announcements” under the “News & Announcements” heading.

Dated in Haddam, CT this 20th day of May, 2021

Board of Selectmen: Robert McGarry, Kate Anderson and Sean Moriarty.

Special Haddam BOF Mtg. to set Mill Rate after Annual Town Meeting concludes.


Board of Finance Meeting
May 26, 2021
Immediately following the Town Meeting

There will be Board of Finance Meeting on Wednesday, May 26, 2021 immediately following the Town Meeting at the Firehouse #1 Community Room.

  1. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Seating of Alternates [if necessary]
  3. Discussion of 2021-2022 budget
  4. Set Mil Rate for fiscal year 2021-2022
  5. Adjournment

Respectfully submitted,

Joseph Centofanti, Chairman

Haddam Conservation Comm. Mtg.  7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.


Sharon Challenger
Sharon Challenger
I am a professional Scenic Artist and have also worked as a Systems Analyst and Senior Programmer Analyst for the Travelers and Yale University. Education: Post University, Wesleyan University and Yale University School of Drama.

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