By Kathy Brown, Troop #44G Committee Member.
(February 3, 2025) — Scouts BSA Troop #44 gained four Eagle Scouts this year: Soren Tassmer, Liam Emigh, Colin Mitchell, and Nick Boynton.
The requirements for Eagle Scout include earning the ranks preceding Eagle Scout, completing fourteen Eagle-required merit badges, plus seven additional badges that the Scout chooses, serving in a leadership role, attending a Scoutmaster Conference, completing a service project, and a Board of Review. A lot of work goes into both the project and all the accompanying paperwork (project approvals, fundraising, documenting volunteers’ time, receipts, and more).
Soren, son of Kirt and Jenn Tassmer, (photo above, Soren receiving Eagle pin from his mom) will graduate Haddam Killingworth High School in June He joined Cub Scouts at age six, and then crossed over to Troop #44 in fifth grade.
Soren plays baseball and is on the Cross Country team at HKHS. He also plays baseball outside of HKHS, which is where he got the idea for his Eagle project. He rebuilt a dugout for the American Legion baseball field in Moodus after the previous one was blown over in a storm. That is the main field that the Connecticut Bearcats use, which is the team Soren is part of. “Leading a project this large was a lot of responsibility,” said Soren, “designing the dugout, organizing supplies and materials, and leading build teams.”
Soren’s leadership positions included Troop Historian, Patrol Leader, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, and Senior Patrol Leader. Soren has earned a total of thirty-two merit badges, earning him a bronze palm and a gold palm (received for earning more merit badges than required for Eagle Scout). Lifesaving was Soren’s favorite merit badge.
Soren attended summer camp for four years. He liked the climbing tower and being out on the water.
Soren really enjoyed being part of Troop #44. He liked all the activities they did: camping, spring trips, and summer camp.
Soren’s parents are big supporters of his time in Scouts. Soren’s father, Kirt, is an Assistant Scoutmaster for Troop #44. “We are grateful for the leadership skills, confidence and growth Soren obtained through Scouts,” said Soren’s mother Jenn. “He is a hands-on learner and Scouting helped him see his strengths when he didn’t always see them in a traditional classroom setting.”
Soren’s Eagle ceremony was held at the Haddam Firehouse on Sunday, June 2, 2024, led by Assistant Scoutmaster Jason Brown. Soren received congratulatory letters from the Boston Red Sox, Hershey Corp., NRA, NASA, Blue Angels, National Park Service, and others.
Liam Emigh, son of Shane and Kryss Emigh, HKHS Class of 2024, had his Eagle ceremony in conjunction with Troop #44’s Court of Honor on June 4, 2024 (photo above). Liam joined Cub Scouts as soon as he was old enough, then crossed over to Troop #44 in fifth grade.
During his tenure in the troop, Liam was a Patrol Leader for his patrol for four years, as well as Assistant Senior Patrol Leader. Liam was a member of the Order of the Arrow, Scouting’s honor society.
Liam earned fourteen merit badges over the required twenty-one, earning him bronze and gold palms. Blacksmithing was Liam’s favorite merit badge. He loved camping with the troop each month. “We always had something that kept it interesting,” Liam said.
His Eagle project was building two benches for Higganum Cove. He learned about time management during his project.
Colin, son of Sarah D’Amico and DJ Mitchell, (photo above) a senior at HKHS, joined scouting when he was 12 years old. Colin held many positions of leadership in the troop, including Patrol Leader for four years and Senior Patrol Leader in 2022, which is the leader of the entire troop. “Being Patrol Leader and Senior Patrol Leader made me a much more capable leader, public speaker, and Scout altogether,” said Colin. He is also a member of the Order of the Arrow.
Colin attended summer camp with the troop at Camp Mattatuck in Plymouth for three years. His favorite experience at camp was the Water Carnival at the end of the week where troops competed against each other in various water activities, from canoe racing and swimming relays to diving, and ending with a cardboard boat race. “Troop 44 ended up on top every year I went,” said Colin. “It was a great time every year. I’ll dearly miss my time at Camp Mattatuck.”
Colin’s favorite merit badge was Lifesaving. “It was definitely the most strenuous,” said Colin. “But every day I did the merit badge, I knew I learned essential skills that I may have to use one day.”
Colin’s Eagle Scout project was making six wooden benches and a sandbox for an outdoor area at Burr Elementary School. “I gravitated toward Burr Elementary School because my younger siblings go there,” said Colin. “I wanted to make a contribution that my family could appreciate.” Colin said that he learned a lot during his Eagle Scout project, especially communication, attention to detail, and patience.
“[Colin] has gained so much confidence in himself, knowledge of the outdoors, and survival life skills from Boy Scouts,” said Sarah D’Amico, Colin’s mother. “We are so proud of his dedication and determination to achieve Eagle Scout, and know that what he has learned will be something that he carries and uses for a lifetime.”
After high school graduation, Colin plans to attend college to earn a degree in Engineering, and then return to New England to find employment.
Nick, son of Sherry Mucik and Michael D’aresta, graduated HKHS in June 2024 and is attending college locally. (Photo above, Nick as a Cub Scout, with his mom) He was on the HKHS Wrestling team throughout high school. He has been in Troop 44 since he crossed over from the Cub Scouts and became an Assistant Scoutmaster after he turned 18. “I decided to become an assistant scoutmaster because I really enjoy scouting and the experience and lessons I gained from it,” said Nick, “and wanted to help others through their Scouting journey.”
Nick’s leadership in Troop 44 consisted of Quartermaster, Assistant Patrol Leader for his patrol for two years, and Senior Patrol Leader for the troop. Nick attended summer camp at Camp Mattatuck for five years, and also worked at Camp Mattatuck last summer. His favorite merit badge was Climbing.
“Becoming an Eagle Scout has been a dream and goal of Nick’s since he joined the Cub Scouts at the age of five,” said Sherry, Nick’s mother. “He is so committed to the Boys Scout way of life that he continues to give back. I could not be prouder of him and his achievements. It has been a long and wonderful journey and we have many people to thank for it.”
For his Eagle project, Nick erected a flagpole at the Haddam Volunteer Ambulance Association, and spruced up the front lawn with plantings around the flagpole and their sign. (Photo above, Nick and his Work Party)
“The best part about being in Troop 44 was its leadership,” said Nick. “Troop 44 has amazing Scoutmasters who truly care about Scouts and they will put in way more effort than they have to to help the troop and the Scouts in it.”
Nick’s Eagle ceremony will be held soon.
If anyone ages 11-17 is interested in learning more about or joining Troop 44 or its sister troop, Troop 44G, please come to any regular meeting, which is held when school is in session at the First Congregational Church of Haddam, Tuesday nights 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., or send an email to Mark Pach at, Scoutmaster Troop #44 or Tiffany Fritz at, Scoutmaster Troop #44G.
Photos provided by Kathy Brown and Troop 44