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HomeNewsHaddam Town Government2021 Candidates: Haddam Town Clerk

2021 Candidates: Haddam Town Clerk

We reached out to both the Haddam Republican Town Committee and the Haddam Democrat Town Committee and asked candidates to respond to a set of questions; if a candidate did not respond, their name is listed, so that you know who is running for each office.

Updates from all candidates are welcome and will be published as Letters to the Editor. The questions posed to the candidates were:

  • Tell us a little about yourself.
  • Why are you running for the position?
  • What do you see as the important issues facing Haddam and how would you address them in your role?
  • What are the key things you love about this town and its people?
  • Additional thoughts to leave voters with?

Bob Siegrist (R):  My name is Bob Siegrist and I was raised in Haddam. I graduated from Haddam-Killingworth in 2001 and received a Bachelor of Science from Quinnipiac University. My whole life, I have supported small businesses and I have worked for local landscaping and restaurants. Small businesses are the backbone of our community and I will always support them.

As your former State Representative for Haddam from 2017-2019, it was the honor of my life to be your voice in Hartford. I was humbled to serve Haddam, Chester, Deep River and Essex on the Veterans Affairs, Public Safety and Security as well as Insurance and Real Estate Committees. Working with Connecticut Water, DEEP, the Department of Public Health, former State Senator Art Linares and the Board of Selectman, together we secured clean water for the Tylerville section of Haddam. This was not only an environmental issue, but also a public safety and economic issue for our town. Haddam, we got it done.
The office of Town Clerk of Haddam should be, and should remain, non-political. I want to pledge to my fellow Haddam residents that if elected, I will be committed to keeping it that way. I want to thank Scott Brookes for his years of service to Haddam.
It was an honor to be your voice in Hartford. With your support on November 2nd, I would be humbled to serve you as your Town Clerk of Haddam.
Dawn Tarbetsky (D):   Dawn represents three key pillars:  experience, knowledge and continual volunteerism in the community.
Dawn has lived in Haddam for 38 years with her husband Paul and daughter Ana, who attended Reg. District #17 school system K-12.  What Dawn really loves about Haddam is the excellent school system, the charm of a small rural New England town and the access and beauty the Connecticut River offers.  Having a personalized relationship with local businesses and continuing to develop and grow our village centers is something that makes the town unique and inviting.

Experience:  Dawn has gained invaluable experience as a current Assistant Town Clerk in the town of Westbrook, a position she has held for 8 years.  For the past 37 years, Dawn has also been a Title Searcher in CT, which gives her the advantage to observe the various functions of other town halls.

Knowledge:  Dawn is a Notary Public, recent Justice of The Peace and has completed all classes necessary for Certified Municipal Clerk (CMC) Certification.  She has worked as a Residential Real Estate Appraiser for 15 years.  This broadens her knowledge of understanding additional functions in the town hall.

Community Service/Volunteerism:  Dawn has always been passionate about volunteering her time.  This is demonstrated in a wide variety of roles over the past 30 years.  Some examples include Democratic Town Committee, Co-Chairperson Haddam River Days, HES Parent Teacher Association, Alzheimer’s Association, and Roosevelt Forest Ultra Races.

Through her experience as Assistant Town Clerk, Title Searching knowledge and her awareness of the importance of preserving land records in the Town Clerk Office, Dawn will be a valuable  contribution who will serve the public as Haddam’s Town Clerk.

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