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HomeNewsHaddam Town GovernmentSummary of Haddam Board of Selectmen Meeting from April 10th

Summary of Haddam Board of Selectmen Meeting from April 10th

By Gigi Simko

(April 17, 2023) — The regular meeting of Haddam’s Board of Selectmen on April 10, 2023, was called to order by First Selectman Robert McGarry at 6:30 p.m. at the Old Town Hall. Selectmen Kate Anderson and Sean Moriarty were present.

First Selectman McGarry announced that Tighe & Bond was awarded the contract for environmental clean-up of the Rossi property. Groundbreaking for the Scovil Hoe development is scheduled for April 30, 2023, from 1:00-3:00 p.m. Public input is being sought via a survey on what to do with the former Haddam Elementary School. A consulting firm will be brought in for recommendations. Access to Higganum Cove has been improved by grading, and vistas to the falls have been cleared. The test pits for the community septic project have been installed and will be monitored through April. Signalized extended lane closures for the Swing Bridge will not take place. Instead, single lane closures controlled by flaggers will occur as needed. A Blueway Commons ribbon-cutting is scheduled for May 9, 2023, 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Three car break-ins were reported recently on Nason and Grapevine. Two cars were unlocked, and another had valuables visible on the seat. A stolen car was recovered on Old Ponset Road.

Selectman Moriarty asked for clarification on the Haddam Elementary School roof and whether the multigenerational park is contingent on its repair. The Town set aside $400,000 in the Capital Budget for the roof and received a $480,000 grant for the roof project and other site improvements, which include the multigenerational park. However, how the $880,000 grand total will be spent is still to be determined.

Selectman Anderson asked why the tree was removed from Haddam Elementary School. It was diseased. The Women’s Club will host a Vendor Fair at Haddam Elementary School on April 22, 2023, and the Farmers Market will kick off on June 3, 2023.

Selectman Anderson made a motion to appoint Dorothy Gillipsie to the Higganum Cove Committee. The motion passed.

Sandi Meegan resigned as Social Services Assistant.

Selectman Moriarty made a motion to appoint April Leiler as the Animal Control Officer. The motion carried.

Selectman Anderson made a motion to approve the Capital Budget in the amount of $1,869,100. The motion carried.

The next regular Board of Selectmen meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 8, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. The meeting adjourned at 7:06 pm.

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