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HomeNewsKillingworth Town GovernmentPFAS Update to be Discussed at Killingworth Town Meeting February 22nd

PFAS Update to be Discussed at Killingworth Town Meeting February 22nd

By Laura Lefko

(February 8, 2023)–In the spring of 2021, the Connecticut Water Company conducted voluntary sampling of both the treated water supplying the Beechwood community in Killingworth as well as untreated samples collected from each of the three wells located there.  Although the existing treatment system proved effective at removing PFAS to well below the state’s action level, laboratory results for the untreated water samples identified PFAS at concentrations of up to 147.3 ppt,  more than twice the action level of 70 ppt in effect at that time.

Due to the proximity of Beechwood to residential wells and other public water supplies, the Connecticut Water Company notified local and state agencies of their findings. The state Department of Environmental Protection (DEEP) and Department of Public Health (DPH) began an investigation.  The investigation area was extended to residential wells on Fire Tower Road, Fox Run Lane, Kenilworth Drive, Roast Meat Hill Road, Route 81  and Wolf Hollow Lane.  Since then, these agencies have been meeting routinely with local authorities, testing public and residential wells, and installing filtration systems on impacted residential wells in the investigation area.  As the investigation evolved, testing was extended to Ely Lane, Overlook Farms Road, and Patrick Drive.  First Selectman Gorski submitted a Drinking Water State Revolving Fund application for monies to remediate PFAS in public wells at Killingworth Elementary School and the town campus.

In parallel, these agencies conducted a focused soil and groundwater investigation at the town campus.  First Selectman Gorski, together with members of DEEP, DPH, and the Connecticut River Area Health District, will detail what’s been done to date, including the results of the soil and groundwater investigation, and most importantly, address questions, at a Town Hall meeting, Wednesday, February 22, 2023, 7:00 p.m. at the Haddam Killingworth Middle School auditorium.

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