Saturday, September 7, 2024
HomeOpinionLetters To The EditorLetter to the Editor: Energy Assistance for Eligible Families

Letter to the Editor: Energy Assistance for Eligible Families

The views stated here are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the editors of this newspaper. We welcome supporting or opposing views on any published item. Received January 12, 2023. Submitted by State Sen. Norm Needleman.

It’s clear we need to act on reducing the energy costs for Connecticut residents and I’m encouraged by the partnership between state and local leaders to take action in both the short and long-term. Recently, it was announced the Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) will allow participating households that heat with deliverable fuels to receive additional assistance worth $430 this winter. This increased financial relief means families can now receive up to $2,320 per household in heating assistance. More information can be found here:

  • Go to to apply for the Connecticut Energy Assistance Program. You can also contact your local community action agency.
  • To seek assistance from Operation Fuel, please visit

I’m especially encouraged by Governor’s Lamont support for diversifying and strengthening our electric grid. This week, he reinforced his support as we joined together to outline steps taken to provide financial relief to families. On the Energy and Technology Committee, we’re exploring every option to improve the grid and I’m looking forward to helping find long-term solutions during this year’s legislative session.


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