Saturday, September 7, 2024
HomeEducationHKISHKIS & HKMS Held Food Drive During Reverse Teacher Parades

HKIS & HKMS Held Food Drive During Reverse Teacher Parades

Editorial Staff.

In the time of COVID-19, people like to stay connected. A large part of teaching is the connection between teacher and students. Though Google Meet is great for some connection, nothing beats the face to face connection.

Regional School District #17 held “reverse” teacher parades, so that teachers could stand outside the schools, physically apart, and any families who wanted to could drive by and wave to their teachers. At the Haddam Killingworth Middle/Intermediate School, staff and families decided to go one step further.

Some of the food collected

During the reverse parade held on May 15, 2020 for HKIS and the reverse parade held on May 26, 2020 for HKMS, the staff also held a food drive to stock the Haddam Food Bank, Killingworth Helping Hands, and the HK Backpack Program.


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