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HomeNewsHaddam Town NewsFree Fares End March 31st on 9 Town Transit

Free Fares End March 31st on 9 Town Transit

Submitted by 9 Town Transit

(March 15, 2023) — Free fares on 9 Town Transit will come to an end on March 31, 2023. Our new combined fare structure will begin April 1st. The regular fare will remain $1.75, but there are new discounts for many of our passes, and our fares will be valid across both 9 Town Transit and Middletown Area Transit routes. Learn more at www.estuarytransit.org/fares.

Route Changes Proposed

As part of the recent merger of Middletown Area Transit and 9-Town Transit, Estuary Transit District is proposing a series of updates and changes to existing routes. These proposed changes largely come from our most recent transit study, the Lower Connecticut River Valley Transit Study conducted in 2020.

The primary purpose of these changes is to make service faster and more direct, improve service to under-served areas, and to better coordinate transfers.

Maps and descriptions of the changes are available at www.estuarytransit.org/servicechanges. Once there, you can complete our survey to provide your feedback. Formal public hearings will be held in late March.

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