Last year, students raised more than $20,000 and earned a “Wacky Carnival” that was held in the fall that included various games, group activities, giant LEGO building and an inflatable obstacle course.
HKIMS PTO is a 501(c)(3) organization and any donation would be tax-exempt. They are happy to provide a letter for donation purposes. In exchange for business donations, it will obtain business logos and make a poster as well as provide recognition and appreciation at the Outdoor Movie Night as well as share the business logo and a blurb about the business service to its HKIMS PTO Facebook page and will recognize appreciation on the town Facebook pages.
Local residents interested in donating can do so online at: https://app.99pledges.com/fund/HKIMS24. HKIMS PTO is able to keep 97% of all online donations, with 3% going toward card processing fees. Cash and checks are also greatly appreciated and should be made payable to HKIMS PTO. They can be mailed to HKIMS PTO c/o Haddam Killingworth Intermediate/Middle School, 451 Route 81 Killingworth, CT 06419.
HKIMS PTO creates supportive opportunities for RSD 17 students in grades 4-8 to remain engaged, excited, valued and connected to their education at HKIS and HKMS. It provides support through collaboration with students, their families, staff and administration to offer financial support for field trip subsidies, welcome picnic at HKIS for incoming students, hosting family fun nights, providing cultural arts and social-emotional learning visiting assemblies such as Sk8 4 Life where a pro skateboarder provided a show, interacted with students and discussed the importance of positive thinking, uplifting others and nutrition.
The PTO hosts the ever-famous Scholastic Book Fairs which helps the organization to supply the library with free books using the proceeds. It supplies prizes during Read Across America events hosted at the schools to help encourage the power and love of reading. It funds expenses association with promotion nights for 5th and 8th grades.
The PTO partners with all other RSD 17 school PTOs to honor our amazing bus drivers. It warmly hosts a staff appreciation week with filled lunches, tokens of gratitude and special events. The organization takes great pride to work with building administration to honor our courageous veterans by supplying a delicious breakfast spread each year as the veterans share their important histories and engage with students in their classrooms. Last year, the PTO fully-funded a request from the Physical Education department for a mini-golf course for students.
HKIMS PTO remains committed to the students, families and staff of HKIS and HKMS and is grateful for any charitable donations made by businesses and residents. For more information, contact Lisa Carlson at lisagrandjean@hotmail.com.