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HomeNewsHaddam Town GovernmentSummary of Haddam Board of Selectmen Meeting, September 11, 2023

Summary of Haddam Board of Selectmen Meeting, September 11, 2023

By Jaycek Simko

(September 19, 2023) — The regular meeting of the Haddam Board of Selectmen on September 11, 2023 was called to order by First Selectman Robert McGarry at 6:30 p.m. at the Old Town Hall, 21 Field Park Drive, Haddam. Selectmen Kate Anderson and Sean Moriarty were present.

Deborah Olsen made a presentation regarding the street name change of Injun Hollow Road. She requested it be renamed Cove Meadow Road, its original name. Her petition garnered the signatures of approximately 50 people, many of whom live on Injun Hallow Road. In addition, she spoke with a resident on Injun Hollow who stated he is against the name change. He shared with her that he purposely moved to Haddam Neck to live on Injun Hollow Road because he is part Native American and enjoys the road name. First Selectman McGarry said that a decision would not be made at the meeting. The proposal will first go to a street naming committee to ensure there are no conflicts and to do more research.

At the Town Meeting on August 23, 2023, funding for the Tylerville Business Grant/Loan was approved in the amount of $500,000.

Selectman Moriarty asked about the Shad Museum. Lisa Malloy responded that it is currently elevated on blocks because of construction underneath the building.

Selectman Anderson announced that Haddam River Days is scheduled for September 30, 2023 with a rain date of October 1st.

Selectman Moriarty made a motion to approve the request from the Haddam Land Trust, Inc. for tax abatement. This has been done for other non-profit organizations. Motion carried unanimously.

Selectman Anderson made a motion to appoint Jason Waterbury to the Parks and Recreation Commission. Motion carried unanimously.

Selectman Moriarty made a motion to re-appoint Peter Christopher and Emily Kyle to the Parks and Recreation Commission. Motion carried unanimously.

Selectman Anderson made a motion to appoint Erin Ortega to the Connecticut River Gateway Commission. Motion carried unanimously.

The next regular Board of Selectmen meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 10, 2023, at 6:30 p.m., at the Old Town Hall, 21 Field Park Drive, Haddam. The meeting adjourned at 7:13 p.m.

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