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HomeNewsHaddam Town NewsPhase 3 - Haddam Beautification Committee's Median Project

Phase 3 – Haddam Beautification Committee’s Median Project

By Mike Karam, Haddam Beautification Committee.

(September 12, 2023) — Phase 3 of the median beautification project is finally complete!
Before the work began the median was quite unsightly.

When I started the Haddam Beautification Committee this was the project that inspired it all. Every time I drove by the Village Market, I would look at the median and see a sad eyesore. It is one of the most visible areas as you drive through town. I knew I had to do something.

Mulched and ready for the artistic touch.

Beautification isn’t just about mowing and weeding, it’s about pride and sense of place. It’s about showing the young kids in our community that we care about what our town looks like for those who live here, and all who visit.

Thank you to the volunteers who came out to help me: Ryan Pitera and Linda Ricci Talbott. We finished right before the rain came.
Completed project.

A special thanks to the Haddam Economic Development Committee for contributing toward the purchase of some of the material used in this project.

The beautiful grasses are from Halfinger Farms Greenhouses,Pumpkins & PYO Daffodils, the large planters are from Acer Gardens, and the mulch used in the planters is from Town & Country Nurseries.
Photos by Mike Karam

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