Thursday, September 19, 2024
HomeOpinionLetters To The EditorLetter to the Editor: In Support of Lettieri for State Representative

Letter to the Editor: In Support of Lettieri for State Representative

The views stated here are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the editors of this newspaper. We welcome supporting or opposing views on any published item. Received September 18, 2024.

We are writing in strong support of Cinzia Lettieri’s candidacy for State Representative of District 35. As longtime Killingworth residents we very much appreciate our town and the shoreline community of which we are a part. In a time of strongly polarized politics, we need vibrant young leaders who embrace traditional values to defend the progress we’ve made and to keep us moving in the right direction. We feel that Cinzia is just such a person.

Like many Killingworth residents we have come to know Cinzia through her campaign. She has been in our town all summer, knocking on doors, attending community events and demonstrating her energy, character and ability to represent us effectively. Most importantly to us, she has shown a desire to listen — a rare but valuable trait in a politician. We feel confident that she will be taking seriously our concerns about local issues like road safety, as well as more global issues like gun safety, women’s reproductive rights and respect for all members of our community. We know she will be an effective advocate for these values in Hartford.

If you haven’t met her yet, you probably will, and you can see for yourself. She is a teacher, a mother and a warm, energetic, empathetic individual. Her smile is infectious and her common sense and commitment to what she is doing apparent. We are very fortunate to have a person such as Cinzia running to represent us at the state level, and we urge everyone to get out and vote for her! She is just what we need in Hartford now and in the years to come.

Bill and Paula Herbst, Killingworth

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