Tuesday, September 10, 2024
HomeOpinionLetters To The EditorLetter to the Editor: In Support of Goupil and Cohen for Re-Election

Letter to the Editor: In Support of Goupil and Cohen for Re-Election

The views stated here are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the editors of this newspaper. We welcome supporting or opposing views on any published item. Received November 1, 2022.

I am writing in support of our Representative Christine Goupil and our State Senator Christine Cohen. Both Christines are approachable, knowledgeable, return calls, and have endless energy, enthusiasm and empathy.  They do their homework, know Killingworth and how to effect results for us in Hartford.They listen.  They get what we are saying and need. They respond to questions and issues with facts, answers, ideas, and models, experts, or plans to help.They craft and pass timely bills, draft model language to help the Board of Selectmen to use in our endeavors, search for and secure funds for Killingworth, and get the right people in to help us solve complex challenges such as with PFAS, PFAS funding, recreation funding, Fair Rent, trash, pickleball, and more. The Board of Selectmen have brought issues large and small to the two Christines. Rep. Goupil and Sen. Cohen pay attention to the details in Hartford and notify us when something may impact our town.  They bring DEEP, AG Tong, Senator Blumenthal, Joe Courtney, and others to help when they can make a difference for us. Christine Goupil and Christine Cohen are calm. They listen. They are wise and informed.  They are proactive and thoughtful. They are constantly working on our behalf regardless of party affiliation. And, they have integrity.  Please join me in voting to return both Christines to Hartford on our behalf.Jamie Mowat YoungKillingworth Selectman

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