The views stated here are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the staff of this newspaper.
(May 5, 2019) — I am writing to express my frustration with the present system for approving the proposed town budget, which required voters to be present at a town meeting at 6:30 p.m. on a specified date. A referendum on this matter would, in my opinion, be more acceptable as it would afford the opportunity for all taxpayers to vote on the matter. For many years I worked a second shift which prohibited me from attending meetings at that time. Today I still have obligations which do not permit me to attend. How many other taxpayers have obligations such as jobs, child care or other responsibilities which make attendance impossible? In the past it was common for only 50 residents, or less, who were present to vote. Although a referendum would be a cost to the town, it would allow us to exercise our civic right to vote. How many others feel they are disenfranchised by the current system? Do you also care how and where your tax dollars are spent but feel you have no means to meaningfully voice your opinions?
We have a referendum on the school budget, why not the town budget?
Virginia Marshall
Haddam, CT