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HomeNewsKillingworth Town GovernmentLatest PFAS Test Results in Killingworth

Latest PFAS Test Results in Killingworth

By Cathy Iino, First Selectwoman, Killingworth.

(June 2, 2021) Results continue to come in from the approximately 62 private wells in Killingworth that have been tested for PFAS (a group of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances now thought to have adverse cumulative health effects). The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) is conducting the environmental investigation of PFAS detected in private wells located in the vicinity of the Beechwood Community and Killingworth Town Hall. The investigation includes the following activities:

  • In April 2021, DEEP’s contractor collected samples from 29 wells in the vicinity of the Beechwood Community as part of the initial round of tests of private drinking water wells.
  • Results from the first round of private drinking water wells tested identified two private wells containing PFAS at levels exceeding the Department of Public Health (DPH) Drinking Water Action Level of 70 nanograms per liter (ng/L) or parts per trillion (ppt). These two properties were provided with an interim supply of bottled potable water in early May.
  • The first round of private well testing and testing of nearby public water supply wells identified the presence of PFAS near Town Hall. Therefore, DEEP expanded the study area in a second round of testing to approximately 18 private wells in the vicinity of the Town Hall.
  • DEEP received the results from the second round of private well sampling late last week. Ten additional private wells were found to contain PFAS at levels exceeding the DPH DWAL. These properties were provided with an interim supply of bottled potable water on May 28.
  • A third round of sampling further expanded the study area, to approximately 15 more private wells. Results are pending with the analytical laboratory. DEEP will contact the property owners directly as soon as the results are available.
  • DEEP will evaluate the results from the third round of sampling as they become available to determine whether testing of additional private wells is warranted. If so, DEEP will communicate directly with individual property owners to arrange sampling of their wells.
  • DEEP is evaluating long-term treatment options for the residential properties with PFAS exceeding the DPH Action Level in their private wells.
  • Because high levels of PFAS were detected at the Town Hall/Fire Station during the initial round of testing, wells located at the Killingworth Town Garage and the Killingworth Ambulance Company were tested. The Ambulance Company well tested significantly below the action level for PFAS. The Town Garage results were above the 70ppt action level. Like Town Hall and the Fire Station, the Town Garage has used bottled water for many years and will continue to do so.
    The initial water tests from Killingworth Elementary School found PFAS at 47ppt—below the action level of 70ppt but high enough to warrant follow-up testing. The second round of tests included samples from the two wells that serve KES. The results were 32ppt and 91ppt. KES has been using bottled water, and will continue to do so as the investigation continues.
    If you have any questions, please contact Amy Scholz, Director of Health of the Town of Killingworth. The Town will continue to communicate as we work with DPH and DEEP to make sure our water supplies are safe.
  • Amy Scholz, Killingworth Director of Health
    860-663-1765, x223
    For more information on PFAS:
    CT Department of Public Health  Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (
    CT Dept. of Energy and Environmental Protection:  Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (
    CT Interagency PFAS Task Force:  PFAS Task Force (
  • Catherine Iino
    First Selectwoman
    Town of Killingworth
    323 Route 81
    Killingworth, Connecticut 06419
    860-663-1765, ext. 501
    860-301-1398 (cell)
Sharon Challenger
Sharon Challenger
I am a professional Scenic Artist and have also worked as a Systems Analyst and Senior Programmer Analyst for the Travelers and Yale University. Education: Post University, Wesleyan University and Yale University School of Drama.

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