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HomeNewsKillingworth Town GovernmentKillingworth Copes: May 30, 2020

Killingworth Copes: May 30, 2020

By Cathy Iino, Killingworth First Selectman.
Hello, Killingworth–
Killingworth’s confirmed cases of coronavirus now stand at 14. We continue to be among the towns with the lowest counts in the state, partly because we have no nursing homes. But each of the 14 cases is a person who has had to cope with the infection and with isolation and fear. Three Killingworth residents have died of the disease. As we take satisfaction from the relatively healthy state of our community, we keep those who have suffered in our thoughts.
Budget hearing. The Board of Finance will present its proposed budget for FY20-21 at a virtual hearing on Tuesday, June 2, at 7:00 pm. [Please note: Because of a change after the deadline, my column in the June Killingworth Krier gives the wrong date for the hearing.] The public will be able to ask questions and make comments on line or by phone.
To join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone:

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (312) 757-3121

Access Code: 355-338-309

New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:

The proposed budget may be found on line.
A Message from Town Clerk Dawn Mooney:  June is Dog Licensing Month (and so is July!)
It seems as if the global coronavirus pandemic has changed everything we do, from the way we work, to how we grocery shop, to our favorite fashion accessory – a MASK. But relax! One thing has not changed: June is still dog license month! And this year, so is July! The Department of Agriculture has decided that the $1 per month late fee will not apply until August 1, to allow more time to license your furry friend by mail.
To ensure the safety of all, the Town Clerk’s Office is currently closed to the public and is scheduling appointments for essential services only. Therefore, dog licenses will not be processed in person this year. As always, reminder postcards for all currently licensed dogs were mailed on the last day of May. Please renew these existing dog licenses either by mail or our drop box (include a check) or on-line on Killingworth’s website with a credit card. To license a pup for the first time, please mail your information (name, address, and phone number) along with your dog’s information (name, breed, birth year, color, and proof of rabies vaccination and spay/neuter if applicable) to the Town Clerk’s Office with a check. The fee for a spayed or neutered pup is $8; the fee for an intact pup is $19.
Please contact the Town Clerk’s Office at 860-663-1765 x502 with any questions. And please know that we will miss seeing you and your pups and look forward to giving your dog a biscuit the next time we meet!
Stay safe and carry on!

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