Submitted by Debra Cumpstone
(December 8, 2023) — On December 7, 2023, thirty eighth grade students were inducted into the National Junior Honor Society at Haddam-Killingworth Middle School.
The National Junior Honor Society recognizes those students who have maintained a 93 (A) average for three consecutive marking periods in the seventh grade and have been reviewed by the faculty to attest to their leadership, citizenship, character and service.
Congratulations to the 2023–24 inductees:
Vincent Ackerman Lexi Mattison
Eleanor Barry Kaitlyn Mazer
Rachel Burt Matthew Medina
Emma Castiglioni Tyler Medina
Kaylee Chlodnicki Mya O’Brien
Carter Commerford Lucas Packtor
Thomas Downing Samantha Panzella
Lucy Dysinger Tristan Papuga
Ethan Eddinger Laura Quilliam
Peyton Esposito Karissa Sehl-Albert
Amanda Giliberto Alexandre Stahl
Hayden Gouin Eliza Sturges
Aubrey Lonergan William Sulzbach
Keira Lundt Lauren Thebeau
Mila Maresca Sawyer Todd