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HomeFeaturesHKHS Student Earns Rank of Eagle Scout

HKHS Student Earns Rank of Eagle Scout

By Gigi Simko

(January 1, 2023) — Georgia Brown, a senior at Haddam-Killingworth High School, joined Scouts BSA Troop #44G, the first girls troop in the region, in February 2019, the same year Scouts BSA opened the door to girls between the ages of 11 to 17. (Troop 44G remains a regional troop, since East Haddam, Deep River and Killingworth do not have girls troops). Georgia explained, “I joined Scouts BSA because I had seen how much fun my brother had in the troop [and] knew some of the other Scouts in the troop from school.” Today Georgia is on her way to attaining the highest rank in the Scouts BSA program.

Georgia Brown

The requirements for Eagle Scout include earning the ranks preceding Eagle Scout, completing 13 required merit badges plus 10 additional badges, serving in a leadership role, attending a Scoutmaster Conference, completing a service project and meeting the Board of Review.

Georgia shared that climbing was her favorite merit badge “because it’s something I don’t get to do very often, and if I have a rope, now I can save myself.” She was Patrol Leader and Senior Patrol Leader of her troop. Her service project benefited Haddam Social Services. Georgia described the inspiration for her project: “I chose the project because I had worked with the Food Bank several times, and I wanted to know what I could do to help…I talked to Jessica Condil [former Director of Senior and Social Services] to discuss her needs.”

What began as shelves for an underutilized closet grew to include a donation box (above) that allows the Food Bank to accept non-perishable donations after hours, and an outdoor covered picnic table (below).

In addition to being an active member of her troop, Georgia has volunteered at Brainerd Memorial Library events, leaf cleanups, other Scouts service projects and the annual Youth and Family Services of Haddam-Killingworth Pumpkin Run. She is a member of the National Honor Society and co-president of the Art Honor Society.

For more information on Scouts BSA Troop 44G, please contact Kathy Brown, Scoutmaster at 860-343-7808 or

Photos by Kathy Brown

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