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HomeNewsHaddam Town GovernmentHaddam: Winter Parking Ban

Haddam: Winter Parking Ban

By Town of Haddam.

(February 12, 2024) — November 15th – April 15th

§ 111-10 Plowing onto public highway prohibited.

A. No person shall plow, or cause to be put, any snow or ice from his/her own property into any public highway in the Town.

B.  Any violation shall be subject to a maximum penalty of $90 for each infringement.

§ 111-11 Winter parking ban.

A. Parking will be banned on Town roads effective November 15 and continuing to April 15 to facilitate snowplowing.

B. Violators’ cars will be towed at the owners’ expense.

§ 111-12 Enforcement.

This article shall be enforced by the Chief of Police or any other duly authorized representative.

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