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HomeNewsHaddam Town GovernmentHaddam Special Town Meeting December 12th - "Shall the Name Injun Hollow...

Haddam Special Town Meeting December 12th – “Shall the Name Injun Hollow Road be Changed?”

By Town of Haddam

(December 3, 2023)—A Special Town Meeting will be held at the Haddam Neck Firehouse, located at 50 Rock Landing Road, Haddam Neck, Connecticut 06424 on Tuesday, December 12, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. for the following purpose:

  1. To elect a Moderator
  2. To consider and vote on the following question: Shall the name of Injun Hollow Road be changed?

Dated in Haddam, Connecticut this 7th day of December 2023 (Will be published in the Haddam Newspaper on December 7th, 2023)

Board of Selectmen: Robert McGarry, Kate Anderson and Peter Baird

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