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HomeNewsHaddam Town GovernmentHaddam Republican Caucus Results

Haddam Republican Caucus Results

(July 21, 2023) — A packed house of Republican voters met on July 20, 2023 to set the endorsed list of candidates for the November 7, 2023 municipal election.

After the Pledge of Allegiance and a reading of the legal call for the caucus, the Rules and Credentials committees were selected and the chairman – Bill Bowles and the Secretary – Gigi Simko were elected.

Photo by Tony Giamei

The list of offices and candidates recommended by the Haddam Republican Town Committee were read and nominations from the floor were initiated.  Ken Vallera was nominated for First Selectman and Sheri Berger for Tax Collector.  Seconds, nominating speeches, seconding speeches and speeches by the candidates for the contested positions followed.  The uncontested candidates were endorsed, one by one by means of a voice vote.  Paper ballots were used for the two contested offices and distributed by the Republican Registrar and Deputy Registrar for registered Haddam Republican voters.

The credentials committee counted the votes, and it was a dead heat for First Selectman.  The Caucus Chairman then cast the tie breaking vote for Robert McGarry.  The Tax Collector’s slot was won by Sheri Berger.

Here is the full list:

Republican Endorsed Slate
For Municipal Election, 11/7/23
Office Endorsed
First Selectman Robert McGarry
Selectman Kate Anderson
Tax Collector Sheri Berger
Board of Finance
Board of Finance, Alt.
Board of Assessment Appeals David Beckman
Planning & Zoning Commission Jamin Laurenza
Dan Luisi
Larry Maggi
Planning & Zoning, Alt. Alan Chadwick
Zoning Board of Appeals Margo Chase-Wells
Ken Wendt
Zoning Board – Appeals, Alt. Ron Borrelli
Regional Board of Education Sidney Blackmon
Shawna Goldfarb
Jennifer Favalora


This event serves as a reminder that EVERY VOTE IS IMPORTANT !


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