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HomeNewsHaddam Town GovernmentHaddam 2022 Annual Town Budget Meeting to be Held May 18

Haddam 2022 Annual Town Budget Meeting to be Held May 18

Haddam Town Alert.

Notice is hereby given to the legal voters and/or taxpayers of the Town of Haddam that the Annual Budget Meeting and a Special Town Meeting will be held at the Haddam Fire Station #1, 439 Saybrook Road, Higganum CT on Wednesday, May 18, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. for the following purpose:

  1. To elect a Moderator
  2. To consider and vote on the Detailed Capital Budget as detailed by each project totaling $1,479,000 (project authorization)
  3. To consider and vote on the Annual Budget recommended by the Board of Finance for the fiscal year July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023.
  4. To approve the acquisition of real estate and authorize the First Selectman to enter into purchase and sale agreement with CTDOT for the purchase of the Scovil property for $326,000, subject to Town’s receipt of funding from a State Financial Assistance Agreement for $1.8 million for the Scovil Mill Remediation Project.
  5. To authorize the First Selectman to enter into, and execute all documents necessary to have the Town receive the State Financial Assistance Agreement for $1.8 million for the Scovil Mil Remediation Project
  6. To approve the sale of real estate and authorize the First Selectman to enter into purchase and sale agreement with PB Projects VIII, LLC for the sale of the Scovil property after PB Projects VIII, LLC expends $650,000 improving property for future use
  7. To approve the acquisition of two (2) parcels from Haddam Volunteer Company including the Town Community Center, which adjoin the Scovil property. (no change in use proposed)
  8. Approve acceptance of use of Town Green for Town (WPCA) owned and operated septic system serving Scovil property and Town (Community Center) property
  9. To do any and all things legal and necessary to accomplish the above-named purposes and take any other action that may legally and properly come before the meeting.

A complete detailed copy of the 2022-2023 budget and latest drafts of other available documents refenced above on file at the Town Office Building, 30 Field Park Drive, Haddam CT 06438 and online at

Stay up to date on the Budget – Sign up for alerts Select “Town News & Announcements” under the “News & Announcements” heading.


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