Wednesday, September 18, 2024
HomeFeaturesEntertainmentGymnasts Find a Way to "Connect" During COVID-19

Gymnasts Find a Way to “Connect” During COVID-19

By Kathy Brown.

Juliana Gagliardi, a freshman at Haddam Killingworth High School, trains as a gymnast at Flip Flop Gymnastics in Deep River. Unfortunately, because of COVID-19, public school became Distance Learning, and sports competitions were cancelled.  Juliana, and Mia, another gymnast, were supposed to represent Connecticut in the High School Gymnastics New England Championships, but unfortunately, that competition was cancelled due to COVID-19. The High School Gymnastics National Competition, the USAG State, Regional, and National competitions were also canceled because of COVID-19.

Monica Bauer, the owner of Flip Flop Gymnastics, and Julian’s coach, encouraged the gymnasts to connect. The gymnasts stay in touch by doing group FaceTime, and they also condition and practice via Zoom each day with their teammates and coaches.

Juliana saw a video on TikTok of gymnasts throwing a roll of toilet paper to each other while doing backflips and liked the idea, so she texted her teammates with a link to the video to see if anyone was interested in making a video of their own.

Each girl had a roll of toilet paper thrown to them from off screen, did a backflip or their own trick, then threw the toilet paper off screen, so that it looked like it was passed to the next person. Each girl then sent their videos to Juliana, who edited them all together, put the soundtrack in (“Vibe” by Cookiee Kawaii) and posted it on TikTok.

The link to the video can be found HERE.

Luckily, this generation has grown up with technology, so Distance Learning is just another way for them to learn. And they have found their own ways to stay connected. It’s a good thing they’re adaptable, since Governor Lamont just announced today that school buildings would be closed until at least May 20 due to COVID-19.

If you and your friends have found a way to connect — any bands getting together to jam over GoogleMeet, FaceTime or Zoom? Friends playing Minecraft together? — let us know how you have adapted during this quarantine at

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