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HomeNewsHaddam Town GovernmentElection Day 2020 Results for Haddam

Election Day 2020 Results for Haddam

These are results from the Registrar on November 4, 2020 (absentee ballots have been scanned and are included):

Total voter turnout: 86.1%


Biden & Harris (D)    Haddam   2728
Trump & Pence (R)    Haddam  2693
Jorgensen & Cohen (L)     Haddam    67
Hawkins & Walker (G)      Haddam     23

Rep in Congress

Courtney (D, WF)       Haddam    2808
Anderson (R)            Haddam    2461
Reale (L)                  Haddam      36
Martineau (G)          Haddam       65

State Senator

Needleman (D, I)          Haddam    2585
Saunders (R)                Haddam    2788

State Representative

Palm (D, WF)                Haddam    2474
Siegrist (R, I)                Haddam    2912

Haddam Registrar

Skarsten (R)          Haddam   3559

Haddam Question

“Shall the Charter of the Town of Haddam be amended as proposed by the Haddam
Charter Revision Commission in its May 27, 2020 Report and as approved by the
Haddam Board of Selectmen on June 8, 2020?”  Yes 2995   No 978

Party Affiliations: D=Democrat, R=Republican, WF=Working Families, I=Independent, L=Libertarian, G=Green

Updated 11/3/20 9:34 p.m. to include EDR (Election Day Registration) results, and results for Haddam Question on ballot.
Updated 11/4/20 8:13 p.m. to change numbers to match Registrars after all absentee ballots were scanned and included.
Updated 11/6/20 11:13 p.m. with final numbers from Registrars.
Updated 11/8/20 10:06 p.m. with voter turnout.

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