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HomeNewsHaddam Town NewsColchester Man Announces Candidacy for District 33 State Senate Seat

Colchester Man Announces Candidacy for District 33 State Senate Seat

Submitted by Jeff Duigou

(January 18, 2024) — Citing the need for “fresh, family-focused ideas” in the Connecticut legislature, Colchester’s Jeff Duigou has announced that he is running to be the next State Senator from the 33rd District. The 33rd District includes Chester, Clinton, Colchester, Deep River, East Haddam, East Hampton, Essex, Haddam, Lyme, Portland, Westbrook and part of Old Saybrook.

“From groceries to gasoline, Connecticut remains unaffordable for working and middle class families as well as for seniors and small business owners,” Duigou said. “As State Senator, I will work with Democrats and Republicans to lower those tax burdens. I will also work to pass laws which make our communities safer. We need to better support our law enforcement officials and first responders. As state senator, I will put you, the taxpayers, first. Your voices will be listened to.”

“I will bring a law-and-order, business-friendly, pro-environment perspective to the State Capitol. As a conservationist, I believe we should be good stewards of the abundant natural resources we enjoy here in Connecticut. I will be a voice for sustainability, preservation. and public health.

At the same time, I understand that innovation, research, trades, and small businesses are the backbone of our economy. We have a tremendous opportunity to create high-paying careers and fill available jobs, yet our small businesses are unable to fill tens of thousands of positions. I will use my decades of private sector experience to improve government efficiency, streamline the regulatory process, do away with unnecessary mandates, and reduce and eliminate government waste. Improving the business climate coupled with saving tax dollars will grow our state economy and provide long-term tax relief to our residents. Residents should keep more of their hard-earned wages, and government must live within its means.”

Duigou, a Republican, worked for more than 30 years in the environmental engineering field and retired from his Vice President of Environmental Sciences position at Eagle Environmental, Inc. For 18 years, he served as a Licensed Environmental Professional, helping clients with compliance with federal and state environmental regulations. His leadership and management skills allowed for the successful completion of federal and state funded projects in many of Connecticut’s cities and towns. These included redevelopment projects including affordable housing, energy, veterans’ housing, training facilities, schools and university improvements. For 15 years, Duigou worked with multiple school districts to help provide safety services to administrators, teachers and maintenance staff.

“I will bring my positive message directly to the people of our district, and I look forward to listening to the voters from now until Election Day,” Duigou said. “From affordability to public safety to wasteful government spending, there are so many areas where we can improve our state’s policies.

My brand of leadership is straightforward and honest. I will be appealing to Democrats, Independents, Republicans and Unaffiliated voters of all ages, and I will work diligently to earn your support in November. I am listening to you, and I will work collaboratively and tirelessly to improve everyone’s quality of life.”

A graduate of the University of Connecticut, Duigou and his wife, Cari, have lived in Colchester for the past 38 years and have raised their family there.

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