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HomeNewsHaddam Town GovernmentBoard of Selectmen AND Town Meeting, Thursday 10/11/18

Board of Selectmen AND Town Meeting, Thursday 10/11/18

There will be a Board of Selectmen meeting tonight, Thursday 10/11/18 at Firehouse #1 at 6:00 PM,

followed by a Special Town meeting at 6:30.

Notice for the Town Meeting:

Town of Haddam
Notice of Special Town Meeting
To be held October 11, 2018 at 6:30pm

Notice is hereby given to all electors and others entitled to vote at town meetings of the Town of Haddam, Connecticut (the “Town”) that a Special Town Meeting of the Town will be held at the Haddam Volunteer Fire Company, Community Hall, 439 Saybrook Road, Higganum CT 06438 for the following purpose:

To choose a Moderator to preside over such meeting and to consider and act upon the following resolutions as recommended by the Board of Selectmen:

Resolution for Sale of Lot 12, 141 Silverspring Drive to Dante Ursini for $42,500.

Resolution for the grant of a highway easement of Town property to the State of Connecticut of a portion of Dublin Hill Road Bridge.

To consider, discuss, vote and appoint Daniel Belanger, Jason Lonergan, David Fleig and Mary Alice Hughes to the Haddam-Killingworth Park and Recreation Authority from July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019.
A complete copy of the above referenced Resolutions is available at the office of the Town Clerk.
Dated in Haddam, Connecticut this 4th day of October 2018
Board of Selectmen
Lizz Milardo
Larry Maggi
Melissa Schlag

Must Read

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