By Jaycek Simko
(March 18, 2025) — The regular meeting of the Haddam Board of Selectmen on March 10, 2025, was called to order by First Selectman Robert McGarry at 6:35 p.m. at Old Town Hall, 21 Field Park Drive, Haddam. Selectmen Kate Anderson and Peter Baird were present.
During Public Comment, Elizabeth Malloy proposed establishing a committee that would work with the Haddam Historical Society to commemorate the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
The open space lots on Silver Springs Drive are being transferred to the homeowners association, which secured insurance for the dam. Jacobson is working on the dam’s emergency action plan.
A task force is evaluating options for Haddam-Killingworth High School: new construction or renovation. Given the significant monetary investment required, feedback is needed from residents. A presentation is scheduled for March 18, 2025. The project will go to referendum.
A second cell tower has been proposed near the former Merchant House in Tylerville. It would fill in the remaining drop zones on Route 154.
The motions to approve the March 2025 tax refunds in the amount of $11,911.86, and the tax abatement request for Haddam Land Trust for the Toffolon property, parcel ID 65-008, carried.
Selectman Anderson made a motion to appoint Alexander Amendola, William Gresham and Robert Wintsch to the Inland Wetland Commission for a three-year term. The motion carried.
Selectman Anderson made a motion to appoint Jason Jansak, Dan Luisi and Chris Morgan to the Economic Development Committee. The motion carried.
Selectman Baird made a motion to appoint Chris Morgan to the Cable Advisory Board. The motion carried.
Selectman Anderson made a motion to approve the 2025-2026 Long Range Capital Plan. Based on the Planning and Zoning Commission’s favorable report, she also made a motion to transfer nine acres on Boulder Dell Road, adjacent to the Swan Hill property, from the Town to the Haddam Land Trust as permanent open space. Finally, she made a motion to send the proposed Zoning Violation Citation Procedures to a Town Meeting. The Town attorney had completed his review. All three motions carried.
Dan Ursini made a presentation to the Board regarding the violation of ordinance at Higganum Cove and how to proceed.
The next regular Board of Selectmen meeting is scheduled for April 14, 2025, at 6:30 p.m., at the Haddam Neck Fire House, 50 Rock Landing Road, Haddam Neck, 06424.