Submitted by Dan McMahon
15 Billion available to ensure the show will go on
Blumenthal vigorously fought for Save our Stages in pandemic relief bill negotiations
Due to a change in Senator Blumenthal’s schedule, this event has been cancelled and will be rescheduled at a later date.
(HARTFORD, CT) – On Friday, January 22 at 2 PM outside of the Goodspeed Opera House in East Haddam, U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), joined by leaders at Goodspeed and representatives from nearby venues, will highlight the $15 billion in funding available for theaters and entertainment venues under the recently passed COVID relief package. Blumenthal vigorously fought for the Save our Stages provision to ensure that these cultural intuitions will be able to reopen once the pandemic is under control.
U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal
Donna Lynn Hilton, Artistic Director, Goodspeed Opera House
Michael Price, Founding Director, Goodspeed Opera House
Rob Smith, East Haddam First Selectman
Brett Elliott, Executive Director, Katherine Hepburn Cultural Arts Center
Jacqueline Hubbard, Executive and Artistic Director, Ivorytown Playhouse
Goodspeed Opera House
6 Main Street
East Haddam, CT 06423