Middlesex Hospital
Attend Middlesex’s Smoking Intervention Classes
MIDDLETOWN — When you participate in Middlesex Hospital’s five-class smoking intervention program, there’s extra incentive to quit smoking or stop using other tobacco products.
Fall smoking intervention classes will be held at the Russell Library, 123 Broad Street in Middletown, on the following dates: October 30, November 6, November 13, November 20 and November 27. Each class is free. Classes will begin at 11 a.m and end at noon.
The program is made possible through a grant from the City of Middletown. However, you do not have to live in Middletown to participate.
Participants in the smoking intervention program will learn how to deal with triggers and cravings. They will also learn to manage withdrawal symptoms and maintain a healthy lifestyle, and they will learn about e-cigarettes and the dangers of firsthand and secondhand smoke.
Registration for the smoking intervention program is required. Participants earn incentives, such as gift cards, for attending classes and quitting smoking.
To register, call 860-358-5426.