Monday, July 1, 2024
HomeSafety and RescueHaddam AmbulanceSign of the Times: HKHS Students Lend a Helping Hand to HVAS

Sign of the Times: HKHS Students Lend a Helping Hand to HVAS

Submitted by Priyal Patel, HVAS Secretary

(June 3, 2024) — In times of urgency and crisis, every second counts. All that our town’s EMS does has been highly regarded by an invaluable contribution from our Haddam Killingworth High School students. Their effort in crafting emergency medicine signs for Haddam Volunteer Ambulance Service symbolizes the power of community collaboration and youthful ingenuity.

The initiative taken by these students to create signage for the town’s ambulance service is nothing short of commendable. Beyond the tangible impact on emergency services, the students’ involvement underscores the importance of civic engagement and community involvement among our youth. Their willingness to step up and contribute to the welfare of the community reflects a sense of ownership and pride in their hometown.

In extending our thanks, we must also acknowledge the ripple effect of their actions. By inspiring others to join in community projects and initiatives, these students have sparked a chain reaction of goodwill and cooperation that will continue to strengthen the fabric of our society for years to come.

To the high school students who have dedicated their time and effort to crafting emergency medicine signs for our town’s ambulance service, we offer our heartfelt gratitude.

Your selfless contribution has left an indelible mark on the hearts of the members of our organization. Thank you for embodying the spirit of service and for reminding us all of the profound impact that individuals, regardless of age, can have on their communities.

Photo provided by Haddam Volunteer Ambulance Service

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