Submitted by Robert W. Siegrist, Haddam Town Clerk.
The Electors of the Town of Haddam and all those qualified to vote at Town Meetings are hereby notified and warned to meet at their respective polling place in said town on Tuesday, May 3, 2022 for the following purpose:
To cast their votes on the Regional School District No. 17 budget. A copy of the proposed budget recommended for adoption by the district Board of Education is on file at the Haddam Town Clerk’s Office.
Polling Locations:
District #1* Firehouse Community Hall. 439 Saybrook Rd. Higganum, CT 06441
District #2* RSD # 17, Central Office, 57 Little City Rd. Higganum, CT 06441
District #3* Haddam Neck Fire Firehouse, 50 Rock Landing Rd. Haddam Neck, CT 06424
*Curbside voting for voters with a disability available at all locations The vote on the budget will be a Yes/No vote. Voting tabulators will be used. The Regional School District Board of Education will set the hours of voting at the Annual District Meeting to be held on May 2, 2022. Per C.G.S. 7-7, the polls must be open from 12:00 noon to 8:00 p.m. The Annual District Meeting will hold a vote to open the polls at 6:00 AM. Absentee ballots will be available at the Office of the Town Clerk, 30 Field Park Drive, Haddam, CT 06438, beginning on April 12, 2022.
Please contact the Office of Town Clerk at 860-345-8531 ext. 212 or ext. 211 for further information.