Submitted 10/16/18 by Amanda Falcone, Public Relations Director – Middlesex Hospital
Middlesex Paramedics Use Google Chrome Enterprise to Improve Patient Care
MIDDLETOWN — Middlesex Hospital today announced that it is using Google Chromebooks with Chrome Enterprise to revolutionize the daily workflow for Middlesex Hospital paramedics. By deploying Chromebooks, Middlesex Hospital is able to provide paramedics with secure access to apps and virtualized clinical software so they can focus on what’s most important—delivering great patient care.
Since 2010, Hospital paramedics have used electronic charting, but they were relying on clunky, shockproof computers, originally issued by the state, to get the job done. These cumbersome and costly machines are the industry standard due to their durability. However, the machines were slow to start up, required time-intensive maintenance and management and had batteries that quickly drained. It was not good for productivity, and the devices were not user friendly, says Jim Santacroce, manager of Middlesex’s Emergency Medical Services.
As Santacroce and his team lugged these machines throughout the state each day, the Hospital’s Information Technology Department took note and suggested that the paramedics use Google Chromebooks instead, and they’ve been doing so for about a year.
In addition to an immediate cost savings and less staff time spent on dealing with technology issues, the workday has become much less frustrating. The Chromebooks start up quickly, weigh significantly less and the batteries last longer. Patient information is also more secure because it is entered using a web-based system that requires a paramedic to login. No patient data is kept on the actual device, said Michael Romatzick, desktop architect at Middlesex.
Middlesex is now sharing their experience with their Connecticut colleagues, encouraging other first responders to consider abandoning their aging, heavy computers for a more modern and efficient option.
“We’re doing something innovative here at Middlesex, and it is making a difference,” Romatzick says.