Monday, October 28, 2024
HomeOpinionLetters To The EditorLetter to the Editor: Muir's Misguided Views on Price Regulation

Letter to the Editor: Muir’s Misguided Views on Price Regulation

The views stated here are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the editors of this newspaper. We welcome supporting or opposing views on any published item. Received October 25, 2024.

At Thursday’s Candidate Forum, I was deeply concerned by Renee LaMark Muir’s statement about introducing more regulations to stop price gouging. This perspective reflects a worrying lack of understanding of fundamental economic principles, including supply and demand. Prices are set by the market, conveying crucial information about value and scarcity. Adding more regulatory burdens won’t fix underlying issues; it will drive up costs and stifle small businesses—the backbone of our local economy—who are least equipped to handle new compliance pressures.

Policies that try to control market pricing often lead to unintended consequences, such as increased living costs. If we want to tackle the root causes of economic challenges, we need to focus on boosting productivity and innovation, not adding more red tape.

It’s not surprising that Renee holds this view. She has spent her entire career within government, without any real-world experience in running a business, meeting payroll, or satisfying customers. It’s easy to advocate for more regulations when you’ve never dealt with their impact firsthand.

Albert Einstein once said, “You cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it.” Connecticut doesn’t need another policy specialist lacking practical experience. We need leaders who understand how businesses operate, can assess issues from different perspectives, and can introduce fresh, pragmatic solutions.

The 36th District deserves Kathryn Russell—someone with a track record of success in the private sector, who understands the challenges businesses face and is committed to creating a thriving environment for them. Let’s bring practical, business-minded leadership to Hartford. Vote for Kathryn Russell.

Carolyn Field, Essex

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