Saturday, September 7, 2024
HomeOpinionLetters To The EditorLetter to the Editor: In Support of Rep. Christine Palm

Letter to the Editor: In Support of Rep. Christine Palm

The views stated here are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the editors of this newspaper. 

To the Editor:

As a high school senior, I volunteered with State Representative Palm on her Roundtable initiative, Young Earner Prosperity (YEP). This roundtable was intended to kick off a state-wide campaign to revitalize CT and make it more appealing to young people. Forty young earners were invited to participate in this discussion about the future of CT. They included students, teachers, small business owners, a farmer, and representatives from various organizations. The result was an extraordinary exchange of ideas where the panelists were able to express their concerns freely, and where the elected officials present listened with an open mind.

This event was a clear example of Representative Palm’s interest in young people and the challenges facing their generation, as well as her interest in improving the social and economic situation of CT. She listens to her constituents, identifies their issues, and is a great problem solver.

The YEP initiative was a significant beginning to create positive change for my generation in CT. This is the kind of leadership we need in our state to ensure strong economic growth and to ensure the quality of life for all in the future. State Representative Palm truly cares about the community she serves. A vote for Representative Palm is a vote for a brighter future for both our district, and for the state of CT.

Arjun Badami
Higganum, CT


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