The views stated here are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the editors of this newspaper.
(Oct. 22, 2019) — I met Joe Rizzo in 2017 when our elementary school was chosen to close. Over the last 2 years we’ve spent countless hours at BOE, BOS and P&Z meetings, learning and listening to the inner happenings of our little town. When Joe decided to run for Selectman, it just clicked. He is exactly what we need. His levelheadedness and patience to think things through fully will only assist us in moving our town forward, and achieving results.
He is not a longtime resident, but appreciates the history of our town as well as understands what is bringing new families and residents to our town, what makes it attractive, so he can build off of that. Brings a fresh perspective to issues and fresh ideas of community enrichment. He feels the natural beauty of our town is one of our best assets, and one that can be better utilized to attract outdoor enthusiasts and drive traffic to local businesses.
For family activities they love the outdoors, came for the CT river and couldn’t wait to live just a few miles from the launch. They hike, fish, boat, water ski, alpine ski, snowboard, ATV, and mountain bike. They fully utilize the beautiful outdoors that’s just outside our doorstep.
Joe (obviously) didn’t support closing HES, felt it was a long term solution to a short term problem. Feels the town made a good decision to purchase the property to retain control over a critical town center property, and is excited to hear possibilities at the charettes on Oct 30th. Although closing that school has saved nothing for taxpayers and arguably for the BoE either, it will save our town 10s of millions down the road if a school needs to be built and we can sell the building back rather than invest millions into a new property.
Joe supports the POCD plan, and continuing the long term thinking to help grow and strengthen what we have. He will make thoughtful, researched, long term decisions to support this plan.
Joe is a pragmatist and a great listener. He is a thoughtful decision maker and all around great guy. He loves this town and is passionate about keeping us strong and addressing areas of need to make us even stronger. He’s excited about the opportunity to be part of the decision making process to make a stronger positive impact to our community.
I am going to vote for Joe Rizzo in November, and I hope you will follow my lead.
Jennifer Petrillo
Lifelong resident of Haddam