Friday, October 4, 2024
HomeOpinionLetters To The EditorLetter to the Editor from Sean Patterson

Letter to the Editor from Sean Patterson

The statements expressed in Letters to the Editor do not necessarily reflect the views of the staff nor those of the Haddam Civic League.

This summer I met Melissa Ziobron, a candidate for 33rd state senate district. Over the last few months, we have gotten to know one another. In all my seventeen years I have never met someone more genuine, hard working and passionate than Melissa.

Melissa’s work ethic is outstanding. She is always working on behalf of the people. In a casual phone call the other day she mentioned jokingly that she had spent an hour at home, “a new record for 2018!” Melissa is knocking on the doors of residents in our community every day. She has made it her goal to knock on 10,000 homes. That is no small task, but she recognizes the need to hear every voter’s concerns. She cares so much about our community and our state that she always puts herself last. No matter the time of night she has been at the capital to cast her vote. No matter the weather she is attending events or talking to members of our community. No matter the people who try to knock her down or smear her she keeps on fighting.

I have first hand seen the genuine passion and determination she has to save this state. Therefore, she will continue to stop new taxes and cut regulations, so kids like me can stay in this state, build a career. She will continue her late nights and early mornings and devote all her time to serving you, the people of the 33rd district. It is time to send people to Hartford who have the passion and determination to face the tough issues that face this state. We only have one opportunity to fix our state, and that is why Melissa Ziobron needs to be the next state senator for the 33rd district.

Sean Patterson, Essex: 9/21/18

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