Saturday, September 7, 2024
HomeOpinionLetters To The EditorLetter to the Editor: A Tribute to Nancy LePard

Letter to the Editor: A Tribute to Nancy LePard

The views stated here are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the editors of this newspaper. We welcome supporting or opposing views on any published item. Received August 9, 2023.

Nancy LePard passed away in April 2023. As read at the Higganum Cemetery Association annual meeting held August 5, 2023:

April 20, 1977  Nancy was elected to membership of the Higganum Cemetery Association.

April 1981        Vice President

April 1982        Nancy became President after Herbert Schade, President, moved to Massachusetts.

In the minutes of 1987, it was noted that a shed at Higganum Center ( I assume the cemetery in the center) needed reroofing and couldn’t be locked. Nancy and her husband, Wayne, took it down and reconstructed it on their property. She was a member for 46 years and President for 41 years.

In reviewing the minutes from the early years, I saw many recognizable, longtime townspeople who were on the committee and doing various jobs.

As many of those passed away or resigned, Nancy put on many hats:  she worked with various people to do mowing, clean-up, tree-cutting, driveway work, town personnel, applying for grants and town funds. She helped to pick up dead flowers after funerals, Christmas, Easter, etc., of course with help, especially from Wayne, and from other members and volunteers.

She handled many phones call about plots, funeral directors, complaints, and a variety of issues. Her passing is a great loss to the Cemetery Association, as well as to many of us personally. Nancy’s dedication was remarkable and will certainly be missed.

Diane Andrews, Higganum


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