Compiled by Sharon Challenger.
Movie Night!
One evening my little boy asked me, “Can we watch a Christmas movie?”
I replied, “Ok. How about Yes, Virginia?”
He then responded (singing very loudly) Mountain Mama! Take me home, Country road!!!! Sarah P.
Which Heart Would that be?
One evening my seven-year-old daughter asked me a question, “I was thinking about words to a song. You know the song “Last Christmas, I gave you my heart. The very next day you threw it away?” Well is she talking about the squishy heart inside her body? or a fuzzy heart like a stuffed toy?” Kathy B.
Saucy Recipe!
My oldest daughter Beth had an assignment at school, to write out detailed instructions on how to prepare a recipe. She worked diligently to complete, then brought it to me for review. One line stood out particularly, “Be sure to have some adultery around when you’re cooking.” She meant “Adults.” Barbara H.
Overheard conversation in a grocery store:
Child to Mother: Can we buy some of that Whack-a-moley dip? (Guacamole) Rick M.
Christmas Dinner or not!
Recently, when discussing our plans for Christmas day, my daughter and I agreed that this year we would have dinner at her house. Looking quite shocked my 8-year granddaughter Lexi proclaimed, “Grandma, we can’t have it here. Mommy doesn’t know how to cook!” Candice C.
Crazy Drivers!
When I was in a parking lot, another driver wasn’t paying attention and almost hit my car. I laid on my horn to get the other driver’s attention. When I started to drive away, my oldest says, “Mommy, you forgot to say %$#@$.” Jennifer R.
I am sure every single parent, grandparent, teacher or sibling has a story to tell about something funny a little one either said or a question they may have asked that made people roll with laughter. We look forward to hearing from our readers about the Crazy Kid’s Quotes your little ones have surprised you with. Send us your quote at