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HomeNewsHaddam Town News"Can I Recycle This?" And Other Q & A for Earth Day

“Can I Recycle This?” And Other Q & A for Earth Day

(April 22, 2023) — Happy Earth Day from the Haddam Sustainability Committee. We choose to believe that people want to care about recycling, proper disposal of trash, food scrap collection that can be turned into compost, textile recycling, etc., etc. Let’s assume everyone has the best of intentions. But, then what?

If you have questions about the how and where and what of recycling, answers can be found right here: That is our Committee’s information page on the Town of Haddam website. It can show you a wide array of resources that can answer just about any question you might have about recycling.

We also have our food scrap collection program still going strong at the Transfer Station. We sold out of our first batch of scrap collection kits and a new batch is coming in. This is a great way to take food scraps out of our regular trash, turn them into compost and energy, and reduce the weight of what we pay to haul away.

Also at the Transfer Station are the textile recycling bins, the electronics trailer and more. We have also added textile recycling bins at HK Middle School, near the soccer field, and at HK High School, just outside the white barn at the entrance to the campus, as seen in the photo below.

Another great resource at the town website is the Public Works Department link that takes you to the Transfer Station information page.

It goes without saying that all of this starts with people caring enough to do their part. The resources are there. All we need is you. Please help us make every day Earth Day.


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