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HomeNewsHaddam Town NewsA Summer Picnic for Haddam Seniors on June 24th

A Summer Picnic for Haddam Seniors on June 24th

Submitted by Marge DeBold

(May 21, 2024) — Haddam Seniors, it’s time to start planning.   Our annual Seniors Picnic is scheduled for Monday, June 24, 2024, from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

This year we’ll enjoy our lunchtime get-together on the lawns of St. Peter Church in Higganum (We will be indoors if it rains).  The afternoon will include music, games, a raffle, a good picnic lunch and great conversations with friends and newcomers.  The event, sponsored by the Haddam Committee on Aging, is funded by the Town.  It is open to all Seniors who live in our town. (That includes Higganum, Haddam and Haddam Neck.)

This springtime picnic has been a tradition in our town for several years. Many Seniors remember earlier years and the good times we had.  I remember back to earlier picnics at Field Park (behind the Town Office Building), at St. James Church Hall in Higganum, and at the Haddam Neck Fair Grounds.  It was fun every time. We should all have a good time this year, returning participants and new-comers too.

In order to plan for the occasion, it is necessary to require reservations.  There will also be a request for a $5 deposit, which will be returned to you when you arrive on picnic day.

So, fellow Seniors, call or contact one of the following people to sign up to attend, or if you want more information:

      Mary Lou Heger, Chair of the Committee on Aging (860-345-2929)

      Doreen Staskelunas, Activities Coordinator, Haddam Senior Center (860-345-2480)

      Mary Pierce, president of Haddam Club 60 (860-685-1783)

We look forward to seeing you there: Haddam Senior Picnic, 11:30 a.m., on Monday, June 24, 2024, at the St. Peter Church grounds.

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